Category: Risk Advisory

All the latest breaking news on Mortgages. Browse The Coco complete collection of articles on Mortgage gravida, mauris justo lacinia ipsucorper metus lacus a ipsum.

8 Things to Focus on Human Capital Risk

Human Capital is the biggest asset for any organization !! Read out our below post for Human Capital Risks-

​The Artificially Intelligent Audit Function

Rather than poring over hand-written work logs one at a time, imagine if internal auditors could have thousands of scribbled notes automatically converted into text, analyzed, and reconciled with electronic time sheets. This is an example of how auditors can use natural language processing (NLP) and text analytics to verify the validity of reimbursements. Artificial […]

New IIA Three Lines Model Offers Timely Evolution of a Trusted Tool

The IIA unveils an important update to one of the best known and trusted risk management tools. The new IIA Three Lines Model, a fresh look at the venerable Three Lines of Defense model, promises to change the way many organizations look not just at risk, but also at controls, collaboration, communication, accountability, assurance, and more. […]

Top Ten Emerging Risks by Gartner

Navigate today’s changing and complex risk landscape The Gartner quarterly Emerging Risks Report leverages insights from an extensive network of compliance, risk management, and audit executives to provide enterprise risk management (ERM) leaders with an overview of the top emerging risks they should monitor and rapidly respond to. Download the infographic to see the top 10 risks that […]

Change the Way You View and Understand Risk

Top CAEs understand that aligning with stakeholders means knowing the issues that keep them up at night. But today’s dynamic risk landscape demands that CAEs also assure that stakeholders recognize and fully understand today’s complex risks and opportunities. OnRisk 2020: A Guide to Understanding, Aligning, and Optimizing Risk will change the way organizations view and […]